Cuba awak tekan

1 February 2019

21st birthday celebration @ Tim’s Teapot Terrace, Melawati

Dah masuk degree ni, bithday aku di ambang keserabutan pelajar universiti. Pertengahan bulan November. Week 10 macam tu. Oh boy, masa tu la rasa nak makan tak sempat, mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang, pergi class pakai baju sama je. Itupun colour hitam je. Hahahaha. Perah kepala otak buat assignment, presentations, exams, midterms etc just name it.

Peluk sikit penal code tu.

WhatsApp mama gambar ni with a caption "How i spend my birthday" tapi mama bluetick je. Ok ma

Aku ingat lagi tahun 2017, malam birthday aku spend dekat bilik Payus. Masa ni baru 1st year 2nd sem. Kitorang stay up buat assingment Torts 2 sampai subuh. Edit problem based learning question (pbl on NUISANCE) edit video lagi, nak practice presentation some more. Dah pagi, kitorang ponteng class pagi sambung lagi touch up mana patut.  2 petang, aku balik bilik mandi siap apa yang patut, dressed up in black and white then offfff we go, present our pbl question. Dah settle semua, balik mahallah qada' tido. Along the way, ramai jugak kawan aku nyanyi birthday song dekat aikol, dalam class, otw nak pergi class, tepi jalan depan mahallah nusaibah, dekat cafe eh banyak lagi lah.  To be honest, rasa nak nangis. Thanks aikol friends, saya menhargai semuanya. Just a simple birthday wish pun aku rasa terharu. Hahahahaha,  memories :')


Payus ni sweet tau. Siapa boyfriend dia mesti untung.  Malam birthday aku tu, dia buat suprise. I was not expecting at all ye sebab otak dah serabut dengan assignment. Aku tak perasan pun dah pukul 12 pagi because I was so busy hadap laptop doing some editing. Tetiba payus bangun kata nak amek something. So aku macam oh okay sambung je lah buat kerja. 5 seconds later, dia masuk dengan muffin beli dekat Richiamo cafe lepastu nyanyi birthday song. Aku tersentak terkejut. Mata terus berair.....roommates Payus; Ayu, Emi & Zukrina pun nyanyi sekali. Days before, aku ada cakap dekat Payus yang aku tak rasa apa-apa pun pasal birthday ni. I kid you not. Sumpah rasa macam blergh. I just want this week to be over. Too much stuff going on, rasa nak tido je dalam bilik. But girl... tak sangka pulak Payus did something for me. Sis terharu T_t

terus tutup textbook and notes, letak tepi jap
sekejap je lepastu bersepah balik, kan payus *cries

siap pakai kelawar ye, my fav baju
Payus cakap takde lilin so kena cucuk je pisau plastik
settle masalah.....cue iklan sikit  
*nda ingat saya ada masa untuk sakit kepala????*

alhamdulillah, officially 21 on November 16th 2018


Sama seperti tahun 2017, macam aku cakap birthday aku betul-betul di ambang keserabutan. But this time, takde presentation. On that day, aku just submit written assignment, pergi consult lecturer sekejap dengan Payus. Dah habis consult, Payus suruh teman dia sekejap so i was like okay lah sebab dah takde benda lain. Aku pergi ikut dia meeting dekat Wadi Budi. Sampai sana, ada Nik, Pia and the rest. Time tu pulak kitorang ada event band so aku tak syak apa lah yang Nik, Pia ada sekali.

But then, aku syak something is going on bila diorang dah habis meeting. Fast forward, dalam kereta Nik terus tutup mata aku dengan shawl dia. Rupanya diorang bawak aku celebrate dekat Tims Teapot Terrace yang dekat Melawati tu. 

love the deco, vintage 

kitorang order set tea ni
affordable and rasa not bad, just nice

Tengah makan- makan, tetibe Tasha (my highschool bestfriend) call tanya aku dekat mana. Aku expect dia nak datang UIA, so aku cakap la aku dekat cafe ni. 10 mins later, Tasha call balik suruh keluar cafe. Aku macam apa kau merepek ni. Bila keluar, aku nampak kereta dia. Terkejut lepastu terharu T_T

whats up with the face leka

She bought me this. cute kan? sampai sekarang aku simpan ballon 21 tu. thank you Tasha buat susah je all the way from Bangi. I love u a lot! My loyal listener since high school days! 

Just when i thought dah takde suprise, dah boleh makan dengan aman, abang waiter pulak nyanyi lagu birhday bawak kek. Pulakkkkk, another surprise. They bought me this cake. Chocolate something,
 sorry couldnt recall the fancy name. SEDAP 9/10.

Inilah dia muka-muka penculik tu. Thank you my sweet girlfriends; Payus, Nik and Pia for the birthday surprise. Sayang korang! I couldnt thank Allah for amazing beautiful friends, family and people around me. Just when I thought takde siapa akan ingat, no birthday celebration for me, Allah hantarkan these people to make me happy. Alhamdulillah for this rezeki :)